National Premier League Tournament

National Premier League Tournament

With the recent growth of the NZIHF’s Premier League, we’re excited to announce the first of many national tournaments!

These tournaments are aimed at giving players in our highest non-contact leagues from around the country, a weekend away as a team to play with and against players from around New Zealand. Players will form their own teams, and compete against the best of NZ’s social players to see who comes out on top!

The cost only includes tournament entry, so players/teams are responsible for organising their own transport and accomodation.

The first tournament will take place in Auckland, and we’re now accepting expressions of interest to finalise the weekend format and details. Please submit your expression of interest as a team, not as an individual.

At present, the weekend format will take place as follows:

What: Premier Level Tournament (non-contact and non-NZIHL players only) for NZIHF Members
Price: Approximately $1,300.00 per team of 13 players.
When: Saturday November 11th and Sunday November 12th 2023
Where: Auckland (Avondale and Botany)
Tournament Format: 4v4 30 minute games, guaranteed 6 games per team
Team Structure: 12 skaters + 1 goalie (13 total)
Expression of interest is first come first serve and tournament capped at 8 teams

Expressions of interest close 16th July, so if you’d like to find out more, fill out your details below.

Deposit payments due 1st August
Full payments, registrations and team lists must be submitted by 1st September.

Expressions of interest have closed.

Previous 2023 National Under 12 Tournament Registrations Open

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